Character Sheet

Name: Suto  		Essence: Primordial	Tradition: Akashic Brother
Nature: Investigator 	Demeanor: Bookworm 	Mentor: Ken Tanaka

--------------------------------- Attributes ---------------------------------

Strength: 	O    	Charisma: 	OOOO 	Perception: 	OOO  
Dexterity:	OOO  	Manipulation:	OO   	Intelligence:	OOOO 
Stamina:	OO   	Appearance:	OO   	Wits:		OOO  

--------------------------------- Abilities ----------------------------------

Alertness:	O    	Drive:		     	Computer:	O
Athletics:	     	Etiquette:	O    	Cosmology:	    
Awareness:	     	Firearms:	     	Culture:	OO   
Brawl:		     	Leadership:	     	Enigmas:	OO
Dodge:		OO   	Mediation:	     	Investigation:	OOO  
Expression:	O    	Melee:		O    	Law:		     
Intuition:	O    	Research:	OOO  	Linguistics:	OO   
Intimidation:	     	Stealth:	O    	Medicine:	     
Streetwise:	     	Survival:	     	Occult:		OO   
Subterfuge:	     	Technology:	O    	Science:	O
			Do:		OOO

---------------------------------- Spheres -----------------------------------

Correspondence:	  	Life:		     	Prime:		     
Entropy:	OO    	Mind:		OOO  	Spirit:		     
Forces:		     	Matter:		OO   	Time:	

-------------------------------- Backgrounds ---------------------------------

Arcane:		     	Allies:		     	Avatar:		OO
Destiny:	O    	Dream:		     	Familiar:	     
Influence:	     	Library:	OO   	Mentor:		     	
Node:		OO   	Resources:	     	Sanctum:	     

----------------------------------- Other ------------------------------------

       Arete: OOOO
   Willpower: OOOOOO
Quintessence: OOOOOOOOO


Son to a family of Immigrants (who originally travelled from the coast of China two generations ago), Suto was the first in his family to attend further schooling (university) in America, and enjoyed pursuing Comparative Literature to post-graduate study at Berkeley University. Specialising in Chinese mythology, he became interested in some of its supernatural elements and also in the martial arts, exploring Tai-Chi initially through a society run by the University.

After some time, he had amassed a small collection of antique books dealing with elements of ancient mythology, and had begun to pursue Tai-Chi extensively outside his studies and work, until his instructor began to introduce him to a new martial art - Do. Upon grasping the basics of this new form, a set of sudden realisations about the nature of the world, and of himself dawned upon Suto, and he was awakened to his existance as a mage.

Hereafter, determined to explore the new possibilities opened to him, he tracked through antique shops and other places of antiquity, managing to collect several more volumes of a magickal nature, and consigned himself to their study, and to deeper study of the mythology which had evolved surrounding their subjects.