Posted at 11:48 am.
“In theory, theory and practice are indistinguishable.
Proceedings of the Symbolic Logic Conference
In practice, they are not.”
The complete record of my scholarly work is my curriculum vitae.
Postings from the Contextualizing Care blog with Saul Weiner
- Contextualizing Care: Fireside Chat Series ? Alan Schwartz
We are pleased to share a video series on contextualizing care, designed for both clinicians and researchers interested in the field. This “Fireside Chat” series is designed to provide an easy to unde … - Preventing Contextual Errors Program in VA Diffusion Marketplace ? Alan Schwartz
The VA Health Care System has added information about the implementation of our work to improve contextualization of care in the VA to its Diffusion Marketplace web site for health care innovations. Y … - Coffee & Science interview with Saul Weiner ? Alan Schwartz
Institute for Health Improvement President and CEO Dr. Kedar Mate interviewed Saul about contextualizing care for the UCSF SIREN Coffee & Science Podcast. Listen below or at https://sirenetwork.uc … - A video introduction to 4C coding ? Saul Weiner
During a medical encounter, clinicians should attempt to identify and address, where feasible, patient life challenges that are complicating their care — a process called “contextualizing care.” Sever … - Remembering Dr. Simon Auster ? Saul Weiner
Dr. Simon Auster, MD, JD’s countless insights and the example of his life and practice of medicine were the inspiration for much of our work on contextualization of care. Saul’s most recent book, On B … - Saul Weiner at the 2020 ICCH Plenary ? Alan Schwartz
Saul Weiner gave the 2020 Plenary at the International Conference on Communication in Healthcare. You can watch his presentation below or at - Coming in 2020: On Becoming a Healer ? Alan Schwartz
Saul Weiner’s new book, On Becoming A Healer: The Journey from Patient Care to Caring about Your Patients is slated for release by Johns Hopkins University Press on April 7, 2020. You can learn more a … - Saul Weiner at VHA iEx 2019 ? Saul Weiner
Saul Weiner discusses the Contextualizing Care Program active at several U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers at the VHA iEx 2019 session on October 23, 2019. - Saul Weiner and Amy Binns-Calvey on “An Arm and a Leg” ? Alan Schwartz
Saul Weiner and Amy Binns-Calvey discussed the use of USP “secret shopper” patients in our VA study on the “An Arm and a Leg” podcast on July 24, 2019. You can listen to the show at https://armandaleg … - Helping homeless Veterans ? Alan Schwartz
VA Research Currents has published an article about our work in enhancing contextualization of care in the VA through direct observation by unannounced standardized patients – and how we’re using them …
Postings from my Making Medical Decisions blog
- Editorial blogging ? Alan Schwartz
It’s been a busy couple of years since I last posted here, as I’ve been engaged in fascinating projects studying physicians’ skills at patient-centered decision making (discovering relevant individual … - Decisões Médicas Baseadas em Evidências ? Alan Schwartz
The translation of Medical Decision Making: A Physician’s Guide into Portuguese has been published by Guanabara Koogan SA as Decisões Médicas Baseadas em Evidências (“Medical decisions based on eviden … - Review in Annals of Internal Medicine ? Alan Schwartz
This only came to my attention today, but MDM:APG was reviewed in Annals of Internal Medicine, a leading journal in the field, in March 2009. You can read the review online here. The post Review in An … - Mammography and decision making ? Alan Schwartz
A little history for the non-US readers: the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) is an independent panel that reviews evidence and issues recommendations for preventive health care services. … - Helping students unlock the mysteries of Bayes ? George Bergus
I am continually impressed by the link between seeing and understanding. This should not be surprising. How often have we had the experience of being told by a student (or colleague) that “I just don’ … - Review of MDM:APG ? Alan Schwartz
Doody’s Review Service, widely used by medical libraries, now has the first formal review of Medical Decision Making: A Physician’s Guide. Here’s an excerpt: “a thoughtful exposition of the breadth of … - Internet-based decision aids and a new blog ? Alan Schwartz
Brian Paciotti’s blog The Internet and the Geography of Medicine came to our attention when he recently published a nice review of some of the current knowledge about patient decision aids, and argued … - Lessons outside health care ? Alan Schwartz
SMDM Annual Meeting Co-chairs Alan Schwartz and Brendan Delaney are pleased to announce the 2009 Annual Meeting will include a pre-meeting symposium on Saturday, October 17, 2009 in Hollywood, Califor … - Decision making and comparative effectivness research ? Alan Schwartz
I had planned to write a post pointing to the new background paper on comparative effectiveness research by the Society for Medical Decision Making, which I think does a very good job of explaining th … - Decision psychology and swine flu ? Alan Schwartz
Behavioral economist (and 2009 President of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making) Dan Ariely appeared on NPR’s Marketplace to discuss reasons for the swine flu panic. Read or listen to the int …